I've just finished watching the second episode of Bodyguard and I'm still shaking! I wasn't expecting anything in the second episode to be as exciting as the first episode, but I was wrong, it was even more exciting. Can't wait for the rest of the series, it's excellent and I'd highly recommend it. Not only is it exciting it makes you think too.
很实在一老头毫不掩饰地在镜头前展示了自己的刚愎自用(不做功课+自信+行动力还特强(有钱就是好);用小哥的话说是 “has some American personalities” lol)和greed(想最大化收入是人之常情但每次看他那样把泉水当自家的使都忍不住不爽…因为会想到对其他人的影响以及那些因为被过度使用而干涸的河流湖泊)但小哥说这哥们儿跟BJ一样打开宫腔灌注性药经常刻意在公众前show蠢所以这哥们儿或许其实挺精… Anyway学到了不少农作知识;打算下个天气好的周末去远足时路过Chadlington一下www